Thursday, July 23, 2009


Wayne Dewhirst - Ambulatory Collage
As Wayne's presentation finished up, I thought to myself, ok what was that about now. I was paying attention the whole time, but I'm not sure where Wayne is going with his project. Maybe a little more enthusiasm in his presentation would help out, the monotone loses me after a few minutes. If Wayne's not excited about it, why should I be excited about it? I thought his ambulatory collage was very interesting and that held my attention. I think this is a style and topic Wayne should explore more. It kind of reminded my of Prodigy's (their title not mine) 'Smack My Bitch Up.'
Score: 7

Wayne's project was similar to the stuff we do every day, however it was interesting because he was just learning about them for the first time. It was also interesting how he planned on integrating what he's learned in this class with his teaching. He put together some interesting videos that fit very well together with the class. I liked his idea of an abulatory collage. Also whether or not he realized it, coining a term is a very common part of digital culture. Terms are coined every day on the internet.
Wayne - 9

It is always hoped that the fascination of the content will trump the somnambulism of the delivery...but in Wayne's case there is unfortunately less of the former than there is an abundance of the latter. I say now, as the Rafiq of Emor and, as such, the sworn enemy of all that is unclean (as well as he who, among the pretenders, is without personal knowledge of the person who is the subject people at hand and upon whom we propose to eloquently level the divine judgement of our spiritual inspiration in a most benevolent manner). The pipes in the trunk of my car are merely childish fireworks (you would not understand these simple things). The Father of Rafiq was betrayed by his closest enemies and this is why he campaigns to this day and forever.
For Wayne I give - 8.7
(If I did not depend upon his chambers for refuge I would award him the goat-prize of a six.
Signed, Rafiq)
P.S., If, like Rafiq, you were had to enjoy and find attraction to these musics played upon this works, you may find these at
(the real raffie [who will prevail] gives a 7.98)

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