Friday, August 7, 2009


The idea of Mouse as an interdisciplinary icon generates this improvised biographical sketch. In endless permutations, Mouse is the central sustaining figure essential to both animated entertainment and the metaphorical sciences: The leading character in a world of situational chaos and social satire, combined with applied biology and psychoanalysis.
My Dissected Mind imagines Mouse as a world weary and chemically dependent exaggeration of celebrity who, in a state of overdose, consents to donate his cinematic memory to science. His imaginary recollections are proposed as a portfolio of imagery, posthumously bequeathed to the arts and sciences.
He was once known as the most versatile and talented character ever in the world of animation. Inevitably, fame, resultant pride, and a concomitant sense of invincibility overtook the Mouse in the form of addiction. No, not in its common forms of adulation, praise and applause, rather in the form of the dragon. The dragon who, in return for his offering of pleasure and distraction, demands nothing less than the soul of the seeker in return. Fortunately, in his final moments, Mouse acquiesced to the clamor of his admiring throng and agreed to share with them, upon his death, his dissected memory. The animated cells of his mind are here preserved for posterity and we thank the powers that be for his final moment of clarity which this record documents. Mouse, we thank you.

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