Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Located in the evolving overlap between the disciplines of art and architecture, digitecture must be seen as a distinct category of practice and production. Meaningful critical examination depends on the acknowledgment of a unique context within an aesthetic continuum, that is less about functional value than it is about speculative value. Digitecture is the genealogical descendant of a virtual collision between the Fluxus movement of John Cage, the telematic art of Roy Ascott, the ideas of simulacra and simulation of Jean Baudrillard, and embracing the notion of indeterminacy and chance into the artistic operation. Methodologies begin to cross artistic disciplines and share the improvisational character of a rhizomatic approach.
The Spam Architecture of Alex Dragulescu is characterized by the underlying structure (the invisible) of a generative software which produces (the visible) three dimensional forms resulting from variable, indeterminate and chance information. The generated shapes are essentially translations of text (language) into a three dimensional language.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Boundaries and Purposes

This blog is intended to deal principally with my architectural studies. In order to maintain a proper separation between focused academic discourse and random off-the-handle-geflying (as in, "Hermann, your son just geflew off the handle!") we've established a repository for the random "ecstatic truths" (thank you Herr Herzog) that beg for a telepresent life. That place has been established as
We welcome you in advance and look forward to continuing to put one foot in front of the other. Now it's time to go out an offgehose the courtyard before the rain does it for me,
Follow links below for films by Dodge and Kahn

Friday, July 24, 2009

"You could what....?"

Each year from 1948 to 1989, Klaus Kinski made at least four and sometimes seven films. He recorded twenty five spoken word albums. Roughly two hundred films over forty one years. You're working hard? Really? You know nothing stupid imbecile son of a pig eating your own shit why do you even talk to me you should be hit in the face I think you don't even exist look at this useless fool my God he tells me what to do I TELL YOU WHAT TO DO!

Cronkite Assumes New Post

  • His new representatives are pleased to announce that an agreement has been struck between the eternal soul of Walter Cronkite and Valhalla's leading source for news and information, the Ethereal News Network. Sources at ENN say Mr. Cronkite is set to begin his duties as anchor of the network's nightly "Flaming Boat of News" broadcast (rated number one in the eternal market) as the new season begins later this year. The agreement calls for the current anchor, Mr. Vidar Sonofodin, to move to the position of executive producer. In a prepared statement Mr. Cronkite allowed that he is eager to resume his familiar role as the second most trusted man in the Eddic afterlife. (Image courtesy

Thursday, July 23, 2009


Is it true that Nancy Pelosi has a permanent boner in her right index finger?


Wayne Dewhirst - Ambulatory Collage
As Wayne's presentation finished up, I thought to myself, ok what was that about now. I was paying attention the whole time, but I'm not sure where Wayne is going with his project. Maybe a little more enthusiasm in his presentation would help out, the monotone loses me after a few minutes. If Wayne's not excited about it, why should I be excited about it? I thought his ambulatory collage was very interesting and that held my attention. I think this is a style and topic Wayne should explore more. It kind of reminded my of Prodigy's (their title not mine) 'Smack My Bitch Up.'
Score: 7

Wayne's project was similar to the stuff we do every day, however it was interesting because he was just learning about them for the first time. It was also interesting how he planned on integrating what he's learned in this class with his teaching. He put together some interesting videos that fit very well together with the class. I liked his idea of an abulatory collage. Also whether or not he realized it, coining a term is a very common part of digital culture. Terms are coined every day on the internet.
Wayne - 9

It is always hoped that the fascination of the content will trump the somnambulism of the delivery...but in Wayne's case there is unfortunately less of the former than there is an abundance of the latter. I say now, as the Rafiq of Emor and, as such, the sworn enemy of all that is unclean (as well as he who, among the pretenders, is without personal knowledge of the person who is the subject people at hand and upon whom we propose to eloquently level the divine judgement of our spiritual inspiration in a most benevolent manner). The pipes in the trunk of my car are merely childish fireworks (you would not understand these simple things). The Father of Rafiq was betrayed by his closest enemies and this is why he campaigns to this day and forever.
For Wayne I give - 8.7
(If I did not depend upon his chambers for refuge I would award him the goat-prize of a six.
Signed, Rafiq)
P.S., If, like Rafiq, you were had to enjoy and find attraction to these musics played upon this works, you may find these at
(the real raffie [who will prevail] gives a 7.98)

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Analog to Digital

Here, ongoing real-space projects are transported as content to cyber-space. Static objects are reinterpreted as they become augmented with variable qualities of motion, sound and time. In this very simple example, the character of the object is transformed as it takes occupancy of an alternate offering system.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Rudolph Weaver, FAIA, 1880-1944

"In 1925 he came to the University of Florida to establish the curriculum in architecture and to serve as the first architect of the Board of Control. During nineteen years of exemplary leadership, he formed the School of Architecture and Allied Arts, pioneered its curricula in art, landscape architecture, and building construction - the Nation's first, and successfully directed for the Board of Control the design and erection of many notable buildings throughout the State."
From the commemorative tablet dedicated February 5, 1966, placed at the entry to Rudolph Weaver Hall. Building A, College of Fine Arts Administration and Library. (Leigh Hall image detail)

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Music for Airports

As I heard it, the epiphany in Brian Eno's life came when he was hospitalized and unable to adjust a radio playing at a barely audible volume next to his bed. This became the genesis for ambient music and later, music for airports. . . the idea of a background sound over which one has no control, that permeates one's environment, is the concept which generated and supports the notion of "ambient music." Anecdotal evidence says Bowie and Eno lived together in Berlin for a while, doing laundry WISHING THEIR WIVES WOULD JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP.

Sunday, July 12, 2009